Big city experience, down-home customer service. We work with individuals, companies, and organizations to help them market themselves effectively and grow their businesses.
Our goal is to make it as... easy and painless as possible for the client. We help with small projects, to full-scale comprehensive website building, and training. Our team can be as hands-on or off as the client prefers. It's YOUR business, it's our job to help you grow it.
Arbejder på:
Tilbudte services
SEO-servicesSkriftligt indholdWebshop-optimeringUdvikling af brandBilledredigeringMigrer hjemmesideMobil hjemmesideKlassisk hjemmesidedesignAvanceret hjemmesidedesignGoogle AnalyticsHjemmesidevejledningHjemmesideopdateringerE-mailmarketingInstaller appsWebshop-indstillingerDomæneforbindelse
Udvalgte projekter (14)
Services og priser
Webdesign (5)
Små opgaver (7)
Webshop (4)
Marketing og promovering (3)
Grafisk design (4)
Klassisk hjemmesidedesign
Få en grundlæggende hjemmeside inklusiv et tema.
Fra950 $
Avanceret hjemmesidedesign
Få en hjemmeside med tilpassede visuelle elementer, avancerede funktioner og mere.
Fra1.750 $
Redesign hjemmeside
Få et nyt tema og design til din hjemmeside.
Fra855 $
Migrer hjemmeside
Brug eksisterende grafik og indhold på en ny Wix-hjemmeside.
Fra750 $
Mobil hjemmeside
Få din hjemmeside til at se fantastisk ud på mobile enheder.
Janey - Was very helpful and friendly from the very start. Easy to work with and quickly made the requested improvements to my Wix website. Her service charges were more than reasonable. I will be sure... to use her services again with any future changes I may need. Thanks Janey!
I had the pleasure of working with Jany to fix some alignment issues, and she exceeded all my expectations! She was fast, friendly, and incredibly affordable. Her communication was outstanding—she kept... me informed every step of the way and made sure all my concerns were addressed. Jany’s expertise and attention to detail truly stood out. If you’re looking for exceptional service from someone who genuinely cares, I highly recommend Jany!
Jayne was able to quickly & efficiently help w/ an issue that I'd been battling since publishing my site 4 (FOUR!) YEARS AGO! It was a BACKEND fix that nobody in customer service OR other developers had... a clue about how to fix! (Shame on WIX!) The "Hotel" platform by Wix only had "Adults" & "Kids"boxes for input #of guests in each w/no way to have a rate/fee for "Kids!" Unbelievably POORLY designed Wix! Leaving no way to charge for children up to 18! So box should have "Guests!" Jayne fixed!!!!