PickleWix Web Design
PickleWix Web Design
Offering Website Design, SEO, Graphic Design & Logo Design for businesses.

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Om PickleWix Web Design

I work on Website Design and Graphic Design for small businesses. I offer custom website design, SEO (search engine optimization), logo design, brochure design, mailer design, infographic design and animation.... I love working one-on-one with clients to design websites, logos and print design that they love. I've designed hundreds of Wix websites over the years, my clients love Wix! I offer Wix training as well to show every client how they can update and maintain their own websites over time. I also am an expert at Wix Website SEO (search engine optimization), so I can help your website get to the top of search engines. It's all about building new, original content that answers questions people are searching for. I offer SEO Consultations where I will research keyword terms, make recommendations, and then optimize your website for you. Then I'll show you how to keep adding new content for SEO going forward. I also do ongoing SEO writing, social media posting, and design for some of my clients, including Sandiaseed.com. As I'm an avid gardener, I also love working with gardening businesses such as garden centers, seed companies, compost companies, landscape designers and I also love working with the Solar Industry, artists, entrepreneurs and other small businesses.
Arbejder på:

Tilbudte services
SEO-servicesSkriftligt indholdWebshop-optimeringUdvikling af brandProfessionel fotograferingBilledredigeringMigrer hjemmesideMobil hjemmesideKlassisk hjemmesidedesignFacebook PixelAvanceret hjemmesidedesignGoogle AnalyticsHjemmesidevejledningHjemmesideopdateringerE-mailmarketingInstaller apps

Services og priser

Webdesign (5)

Små opgaver (8)

Webshop (4)

Marketing og promovering (4)

Grafisk design (5)

Klassisk hjemmesidedesign

Få en grundlæggende hjemmeside inklusiv et tema.
Fra 1.000 $

Avanceret hjemmesidedesign

Få en hjemmeside med tilpassede visuelle elementer, avancerede funktioner og mere.
Fra 1.000 $

Redesign hjemmeside

Få et nyt tema og design til din hjemmeside.
Fra 1.000 $

Migrer hjemmeside

Brug eksisterende grafik og indhold på en ny Wix-hjemmeside.
Fra 1.000 $

Mobil hjemmeside

Få din hjemmeside til at se fantastisk ud på mobile enheder.
Fra 600 $

Anmeldelser (24)

 / 5

11. feb. 2025

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The website turned out perfect....
Leveret service: Avanceret hjemmesidedesign


23. feb. 2022

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This is SO exciting! The website design looks really great. Thanks again for all of the work making it look good....
Leveret service: Redesign hjemmeside

Jeremy McAdams

8. feb. 2022

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Thanks for working with us to customized our new website design and pages, it turned out great and we're excited to have a new online shop for our Wisconsin-grown mushrooms....
Leveret service: eCommerce-hjemmeside

Brian Weber

16. dec. 2021

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Thanks for setting up our online annual report so we could go paper-free this year. All looks great!...
Leveret service: Avanceret hjemmesidedesign


3. dec. 2021

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We love our new website! Thanks for designing a new beautiful website to help support our pollinators in Colorado!...
Leveret service: Avanceret hjemmesidedesign


29. okt. 2021

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Thank you so much for your support and fantastic work leading up to the convention. It was a huge success! The website, signage and spec sheet materials were perfect for our needs....
Leveret service: Redesign hjemmeside


28. okt. 2021

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Thanks for setting up this benefits website and for the training so that we can edit and update the charts and data ourselves over time. Website is functional, and mobile-friendly, perfect for our needs....
Leveret service: Avanceret hjemmesidedesign


26. maj 2021

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Thanks for all your help getting our website redesigned and showing us how to keep it updated over time....
Leveret service: Avanceret hjemmesidedesign


3. apr. 2021

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I'm so pleased with how the website turned out! It's cheery, not too busy, colorful, & packed with searchable information! Great work Idelle!...
Leveret service: Avanceret hjemmesidedesign

Shari Wilson

31. jan. 2021

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Idelle at PickleWix is phenomenal to work with! She converted my very basic site into a more effective and artful site. Her work is intuitive, smart and creative. Most importantly she is an excellent and... patient coach and provides the tools for long term success! I can't recommend PickleWix highly enough.
Leveret service: Avanceret hjemmesidedesign


29. dec. 2020

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Thanks Idelle, the website looks great. Thanks for the quick turn around! I like how the slide show looks. We also appreciate the training so we can update the website ourselves over time with updated... promotions and products.
Leveret service: Avanceret hjemmesidedesign


19. okt. 2020

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Designed the website exactly how I asked, took direction well and created all the galleries for my portfolio. Easy to work with....
Leveret service: Avanceret hjemmesidedesign