We are a bundle supplier that gives you an across-the-board answer for your web prerequisites utilizing Wix. Assume a decent part from making outwardly interesting to changing the potential customer's... sites. Content is the lord, with satisfactory plan components and the right blend of content, you are checking out the best site you ought to have.
Arbejder på:
Tilbudte services
Webshop-optimeringUdvikling af brandMigrer hjemmesideMobil hjemmesideKlassisk hjemmesidedesignAvanceret hjemmesidedesignHjemmesideopdateringerWebshop-indstillingerAvancerede webshop-egenskabereCommerce-hjemmesideOpsætning af restaurantmenuRedesign hjemmeside
Udvalgte projekter (21)
Services og priser
Webdesign (5)
Små opgaver (2)
Webshop (4)
Grafisk design (1)
Klassisk hjemmesidedesign
Få en grundlæggende hjemmeside inklusiv et tema.
Fra100 $
Avanceret hjemmesidedesign
Få en hjemmeside med tilpassede visuelle elementer, avancerede funktioner og mere.
Fra150 $
Redesign hjemmeside
Få et nyt tema og design til din hjemmeside.
Fra100 $
Migrer hjemmeside
Brug eksisterende grafik og indhold på en ny Wix-hjemmeside.
Fra150 $
Mobil hjemmeside
Få din hjemmeside til at se fantastisk ud på mobile enheder.
Joy did an exceptional job on a website for my wife's coaching practice. The site is clean and efficient and accomplishes everything my wife needs it to perform. Joy was very easy to communicate with during... the design and fine-tuning process. Joy also went above and beyond getting it up and running on my wife's Wix site. Highly recommend.
Joy did a good job with assisting in building the website but when I requested support after the sale he made promises he did not keep and was non-responsive....
Leveret service: Klassisk hjemmesidedesign
29. aug. 2024
Very good service and really fast and efficient would highly recommend ...
I found PKS Media Works great to work with. They were very quick to respond and make any changes I asked for. I'm really happy with the end design! Would recommend them. ...
This service was quick. Very patient and amazing response time. Also gave me a discounted rate on the whole package which i was greatful for. 100% recommend. ...