Tilbyd altid den rigtige rabat: Spor automatisk ændringer i brugerens indkøbskurv i realtid og anvend rabatter med det samme
Personlig planintegration: Integrer problemfrit med medlemmernes abonnementsplaner, og få adgang til personligt rabatkonfigurationsdashboard
Øjeblikkelig rabatansøgning: Anvend hurtigt relevante rabatter på indkøbskurven, strømliner kasseprocessen for medlemmer og sikrer, at de nyder eksklusive besparelser
Ubesværet medlemsadministration: Giv brugerne en problemfri oplevelse, ved automatisk at administrere og anvende rabatter baseret på deres medlemsstatus og tilhørende planer
Mød 'Auto Savings for Planholders', din nye shopping-allierede. Denne app er kompatibel med butikker og reservationer og integrerer problemfrit med prisplaner.
Når medlemmer af dit websted handler eller booker tjenester, overvåger den automatisk din indkøbskurv og anvender personlige rabatter.
Sig hej til ubesværede besparelser, der er skræddersyet til dine medlemmer.
Hi, we are sorry to hear that. To protect users' privacy, we cannot provide solutions specific to your site here. Can you email team@certifiedcode.us so we can look into your case?
Tak for din feedback
Anciensfoyersth/ Jul 16, 2024
Does not work !This application simply doesn't work! I contacted "Certified Code" asking them to fix this application, and I waited several months. They did absolutely nothing! Don't install this application, you'll be wasting your time...
team Certified Code
Hi, we are sorry to hear that. To protect users' privacy, we cannot provide solutions specific to your site here. Can you email team@certifiedcode.us so we can look into your case?
Tak for din feedback
Limelightmediauk/ Apr 18, 2024
Doesn't workThe app simply doesn't work on the frontend, no discounts are applied. Has been like this since the app launched.
team Certified Code
Hi, we are sorry to hear that. To protect users' privacy, we cannot provide solutions specific to your site here. Can you email team@certifiedcode.us so we can look into your case?
Tak for din feedback
Abhinxx/ Mar 6, 2024
Just doesnt work at all
team Certified Code
Hi, we are sorry to hear that. To protect users' privacy, we cannot provide solutions specific to your site here. Can you email team@certifiedcode.us so we can look into your case?
Tak for din feedback
Nespresets/ Jan 26, 2024
Don't download it!This app messed up my website chekout settings. I uninstalled the app but my settings didn't improve. Support was not interested! Don't download it!
team Certified Code
Hi nespresets, we are sorry to hear that. To protect users' privacy, we cannot provide solutions specific to your site here. Can you email team@certifiedcode.us so we can look into your case?
Tak for din feedback
Priser og betalingspakker
Offer discounts to all plan holders
Automatically applies discounts
Self-served and customer support
Everything in starter, plus:
Offer different discounts by plans
Setup conditions to apply discounts
* Prisen er i USD.
Byg og lancer din næste app til mere end 230 mio Wix-brugere