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Estimated delivery date

Adjust delivery date based on customer time zone
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Estimated delivery date-oversigt

Customizable Settings: Adjust working days, holidays, and date formats to align with your business operations
User-Friendly Widgets: Personalize delivery widgets with text, icons, and designs to seamlessly match your store's aesthetic
Storewide Display: Showcase clear delivery dates on product, cart, and checkout pages to help customers plan their purchases effectively
Tailored Delivery Dates: Set specific delivery times for individual products or collections to give customers precise information
Estimated Delivery Date: Provide Accurate Timelines for a Better Shopping Experience Keep your customers informed with precise delivery dates, enhancing their shopping journey and reducing cart abandonment. With our app, you can easily add customizable delivery time widgets to product, cart, and checkout pages, displaying accurate estimated delivery dates based on customer location and time zone. Configure delivery settings for individual products, collections, working days, holidays, and date formats with ease. Boost customer confidence and drive conversions by providing clear, reliable Estimated Delivery Dates tailored to their needs.
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