Tilbyd besøgende en hurtig, strømlinet betalingsoplevelse
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Tilføj en knap for at tilbyde hurtig betaling på din hjemmeside.
- Modtag sikker, problemfri betaling: Lad besøgende købe og donere med tillid
- Effektiviser din kasse: Opfordr til køb med en let forståelig og hurtig betalingsoplevelse
- Indsaml leads: Kundeoplysninger tilføjes til din kontaktliste efter hvert køb, så du kan lave opfølgning
Can't enter any amountI searched the AI help on how to add the button to my site where it will allow any amount to be entered by customer for payment. But with the pay button...
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Limoratech/ Apr 12, 2024
Google/Apple Pay is not supported.I chose Wix because they claimed to support Google/Apple Pay.
Wix Payments does support Google/Apple Pay, but it works only in Wix Stores. Neither Pay Button, Wix Pricing Plans, Wix Forms&Payments support it....
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Jonastanner/ Jan 28, 2024
Keine FlexibilitätNicht möglich einen Betrag frei einzugeben!
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Acnechallenge/ Feb 20, 2023
USELESSI can't even adjust the order confirmation email or allow customers to add a discount code! Once my membership is over, I will leave WIX. The check-out is one of the most important...
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Steelj9/ Dec 3, 2022
uselesswill not allow purchaser to buy more than one item at a time. I am trying to use it to sell event tickets. Only one can be purchased at a time. The...
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