Disable Right Click - prevent others from stealing your images or text
Disable Drag & Drop on images and/or texts - keep your images and store elements safe
Disable Keyboard Shortcuts - ctrl + c (Copy), ctrl + x (Cut), ctrl + u (View Source), ctrl + s (Save)
Disable Selection - disable selecting text with mouse or ctrl+A
Have you spent a long time creating the perfect product description & taking great photos, but forgetting to protect your hard work? - Copycats can copy it in a few minutes.
It’s a painful experience to discover your store’s content has been stolen. And unfortunately, there's not much you can do once it happens. A good strategy is to stop copycats before they steal. So we created this app -Salesdish Content protection to protect your images, descriptions and content from being stolen by competitors or malicious people.
No code, after installing the app, you just need to one click - as simple as that. It will be activated within seconds! Works great on Android and iOS, for all browsers. Salesdish Content protection is free, and provides the perfect balance of protection and usability, you can continue your work without worries!
Nagyszerű védelem és könnyű használat!"A Salesdish Content Protection fantasztikus eszköz az adatok és tartalmak védelmére. Könnyen használható, gyorsan beállítható, és hatékonyan védi a weboldalamat a jogosulatlan másolástól. Különösen tetszik az intuitív kezelőfelület és a testreszabható funkciók. Amióta...
Tak for din feedback
Israelrenov/ Feb 20, 2025
Je viens de l'installerJe suis très content d'avoir trouvé cette application
Les images que je mets sont des images réelles de nos travaux et de nos projets
Et je suis très heureux qu'elles sont protégés
Tak for din feedback
Alenshahnazari/ Feb 19, 2025
i love itmake the job harder for copycats!
Tak for din feedback
Theaspiringlotus/ Feb 16, 2025
Tak for din feedback
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